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Lean Coffee

Our Lean coffees are held monthly on 4th Thursday of the month at 11.00-12.00.

What is a lean coffee and how does it work?

Lean Coffee is a structured, but agenda-less meeting. see the lean coffee website for more information. We have a HackMd / Kanban board set up and we as a community populate it with ideas. We then vote for ideas, start discussing in a timeboxed session and vote whether to continue discussing or move on to the next idea at the end of the timebox.

You do not need to bring any content in advance we will ask people to contribute topics on the session, however if you do have or think of something you want to discuss with the group you can add it to our HackMd before hand.

Please contact group facilitators - Andy Poole or David Heath or Shaun Hare if you need assistance adding topics or want to learn more. Or reach out in the #software-development channel on UK Government Digital Slack

We would really like to see as many Government Sofware Engineers (Architects/ Heads of Engineering / Software Testers - basically any one who writes code for public services in UK Government and associated bodies / organisations) at these sessions you are very welcome.