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Community space

Our private github community space is used to share meeting notes and documents, and as a space for collaboration and proposals.

Only community members can access this space, so if you click these links you’ll get a 404 error. See below for instructions on how to access.

In the main repo we store notes:

  1. Community facilitator meetings
  2. Past lean coffees
  3. Special interest group meetings

We use github issues to invite proposals from the community, such as new special interest groups, or other initiatives.

And we have a community backlog to keep track of actions and tasks that the facilitators group are working on.

Here’s how it looks:

Screenshot of the community space page on github

Accessing the community space

To get access to the community space:

  1. sign up to the mailchimp email list and provide your github username (the textual id such as heathd rather than the numeric id or email address)
  2. We’ll review your request to ensure you’ve given a valid government email address
  3. If approved, you’ll get an email invitation from github to join the uk-x-gov-software-community organisation).
  4. Make sure you accept the invitation, it expires after 7 days

We use mailchimp in this way to ensure that only people who have current government email addresses can access the github area.

If you unsubscribe from the email list or if your email address starts bouncing, you will be automatically removed from github.